Stakeholder |
Description |
National inter-city passenger train service. The railroad's official name is the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. |
Archive Data Users |
Organizations that access and use archived data |
City of Del Rio |
Represent overall city government and miscellaneous departments such as that responsible for the airport. |
City of Del Rio Emergency Management |
Department of City of Del Rio responsible for emergency operations center. |
City of Del Rio Engineering Department |
Mission of Engineering Department is to engineer and operate the City's traffic system. |
City of Del Rio Fire Department |
CIty department responsible for fire, HAZMAT, and emergency management. First responder. |
City of Del Rio Gas Department |
The City of Del Rio Gas System is a municipally owned gas distribution system. The primary responsibility of this department is to provide gas service to over 8,000 customers located within its service area.
City of Del Rio Police Department |
The Police Department provides public safety services for the city. |
City of Del Rio Streets Department |
The Streets Department is responsible for traffic operations and maintenance operations for the city. |
City of Del Rio Transportation Department |
Manages public transportation in the city. |
City of Del Rio Water/Wastewater Department |
Department manages water production and distribution for the region. Also wastewater treatment. |
Commercial Vehicle Operators |
Private commercial vehicle operators |
Del Rio Chamber of Commerce |
Organization providing event and traveler information for Del Rio. |
Texas Department of Public Safety |
DPS Division of Emergency Management |
DPS division responsible for mitigation and response for natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. |
Financial Institution |
Banks involved in the transfer of funds for toll and fare collection as well as for other fee based transportation services. |
Independent School Districts |
Includes public school districts throughout the region. |
International Boundary Water Commission |
Operates bilateral projects related to the borders and rivers shared between the US and Mexico |
Local Media |
Includes both print (newspaper) and broadcast (TV, radio) news media. |
Municipal or County Public Safety |
Local city or county agencies responsible for emergency coordination. |
National Park Service |
Agency of Federal Government responsible for national parks, recreation areas, and national forests. |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Weather Service). |
Other States |
Systems in neighboring states, such as credentials systems. |
Private Information Service Providers |
Local, regional and national information service providers that provide travel information, including local media (print, TV and radio), Internet sites, service bureaus, etc |
Private Rural Transit Systems |
Private companies providing fixed route services in the rural areas of the region. |
Private Taxi Providers |
Private companies providing taxi service. |
Private Tow/Wrecker Providers |
Private towing companies |
Private Travelers |
Traveling public accessing various modes of transportation, including surface street, air, rail/transit, and non-motorized. |
Private Utility Companies |
Private companies providing utilities such as electricity, telephone and cable TV. |
Rail Operators |
Operators of private rail systems (e.g. Burlington Northern-Santa Fe), including passenger and freight. |
Regional Emergency and Public Safety Agencices |
Provide response for natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. |
Regional Event Facilities |
Organizations that are responsible for regional event facilities. |
State Fire Marshal |
Represents State Fire Marshal's Office. |
Texas Department of Transportation |
US Air Force |
United States Air Force, responsible for Laughlin AFB. |
US Bureau of Customs and Border Protection |
Includes what was US Border Patrol, US Customs and USDA. |
Val Verde County |
Val Verde County Judge |
Val Verde County Road and Bridge |
County agency responsible for maintaining county roads and bridges in Region |
Val Verde County Sheriff |
County public safety. |
Val Verde Regional Hospital |
Regional medical center located at 801 Bedell Ave, Del Rio. |
Wachanhut Correctional Center |
Private company operating regional correctional center. |